TEDxTCNJ Why Play is Important in Learning and Across the Lifespan

Philadelphia Magazine article How Do We Teach History in America Today?

Local Talk show Brain Storm hosted by Lisa Willever


Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Play is Learning Keynote 2024

Pennsylvania School Board Association Task Force on Principles for Effective Governance and Leadership, 2022

Pennsylvania School Board Association Policy Institute Program, 2022-2023

Developing and Planning Teacher Research to Enhance Teaching, Learning, and School Climate, International School of Trieste

Using Yoga and Mindfulness in the Classroom, Presented to teachers at Ewing School District, NJ

Introduction to Urban Education, Urban Teacher Academy, The College of New Jersey

Introduction to Child Development, Urban Teacher Academy, The College of New Jersey

Introduction to Urban Education, New Jersey Future Educators Regional Conference

Using Art & Photography in the Classroom, New Jersey Future Educators Conference Regional Conference

Literacy through Photography, Kappa Delta Pi Student Conference

Keynote --  NJFEA Annual Middle School Conference 

Using Yoga and Mindfulness in the Classroom, Good Ideas Conference, Georgian Court University

History, Funding, and Politics of Urban Education, Union Latina Conference, The College of New Jersey

Professional Conferences

Dell’Angelo, T. (2025). Teacher Humor: Building Connections, Managing Stress, and Developing Classroom Presence, The Association for the Study of Play, San Pedro Island, TX.

Dell’Angelo, T. (2024). Capturing Divisions: A Photovoice Exploration of the Impact of Political Division on a School District and Community, International Visual Literacy Association Conference, San Diego, CA.

Dell’Angelo, T., Schwartz, J. & Lauk, R. (2023). The Radicalization of American School Boards and its Impact on Local School and Community Contexts, American Educational Research Association, Chicago, Ill.

Dell’Angelo, T. (2022). The Competing Demands of Care: Recruiting Teachers into the Coal Mine, 5th Annual Convening for Diversifying the Teacher Workforce, Rutgers, New Jersey.

Dell’Angelo, T., Nazemi, K., & Willis, S. (2022). The Evolution of a Library Policy and the impact on a District, 12th Annual Conference on Education and Justice. (on-line).

Dell’Angelo, T. (2021). Schooled: Teacher Identity Through Images, 53rd Annual International Visual Literacy Association Conference. (on-line)

Guzman, J. & Dell’Angelo, T. (2020). Decolonizing Social Studies Curriculum, 10th Annual International Conference on Education & Social Justice. (on-line)

Dell’Angelo, T. & Richardson, L. (2019). All the best efforts: Preparing and supporting teachers for high needs schools, American Educational Research Association Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Amtzis, A. & Dell’Angelo, T. (2019). Creativity and Validity: An exploration of arts-based research and third space as an intervention, American Educational Research Association Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Dell’Angelo, T. & Richardson, L. (2019). Retaining teachers: It’s not how many that matters, Leading for Diversity Conference, New Jersey Association for Teacher Education, Rutgers University, New Brunswick.

Dell’Angelo, T. (2019).  Devising theatre with nine and ten-year olds, Rethinking Child and Youth Marginalities: Movements, Narratives, and Exchanges, AAA Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group, Rutgers University, Camden.

Dell’Angelo, T. (2018). Assessing Arts Based Research, American Educational Research Association.

Dell’Angelo, T. (2017, May). Down the Rabbit Hole: Transitioning from College to the  Classroom, 13th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois.

Dell’Angelo, T. (2017, May). Pets, Parents, and Forgetting Things: Playbuilding with Nine and Ten Year Olds, 13th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois.

Dell’Angelo, T. (2017, February). Mobius Strip: An exploration of the recursive, intertwined loop of teaching, doing and learning from teacher research, Penn Ethnography Forum, Philadelphia, PA

Dell’Angelo, T. (2017, January). Voices from the Field: Preparing Teachers for High Needs Schools, The Qualitative Report Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Dell’Angelo, T. (2016). It's Hard to Understand until You Are in It.": Discussions with Early Career Teachers, American Educational Research Association, Washington D.C.

Dell'Angelo, T., Stone, S. & Gutierrez, P. (2015). Preparing Teachers for High-Need Schools: Perspectives From the Field, presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference, Chicago, Ill.

Dell'Angelo, T. & Hudson, D. M. (2015).  Building Community and Literacy Through Photography, presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference, Chicago, Ill.

Mawhinney, L. & Dell’Angelo, T. (2014). Knowledge and Application of Undergraduates’ Self-Regulated Learning at a Historically Black University (HBCU), American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Dell’Angelo, T.  (2012). Discovering the other and rewriting personal educational autobiographies: What happens when traditional college students and prison inmates study together. National Association of Multicultural Education, Philadelphia, PA

Dell’Angelo, T, Ammentorp, L., & Alston, M. (2012).  Social Justice in the Classroom: It’s not an add on! American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada.

Dell’Angelo, T.  (2011). Practical applications of a Social Justice Orientation for Classrooms.  National Association for Multicultural Education, Chicago, Ill.

Dell’Angelo, T. & Seaton, G. (2010).  Constructing identity across contexts: Student and teacher.  American Educational Research Association, Denver, Colorado.

Amtzis, A. & Dell’Angelo, T.  (2010).  Outcomes and Insights:  A study of assessment and subjectivity in evaluating teacher research.  Penn Ethnography Forum, February, 2010.

Dell’Angelo, T. (2008). “Talking about this stuff is hard!”: An exploration of using children’s literature to discuss diversity in elementary schools.  National Association for Multicultural Education, New Orleans, LA

Dell’Angelo, T. (2008).  “Separate and Unequal: Urban Schools in New Jersey”, 14th Annual Minority Achievement Conference, Trenton, NJ

Dell’Angelo, T. (2008).  “Assessing Stress and Coping in Pre-Service Teachers”, American Educational Research Association, New York, NY

Dell’Angelo, T. (2008).  Using Wiki’s to Enhance Teaching and Learning, Lunch and Learn Workshop, The College of New Jersey

Dell’Angelo, T. (2008). “ Effective Communication with Students using web technology”, Faculty presentation, The College of New Jersey

Dell’Angelo, T. (2005). “Teacher-Principal Relationships in the Philadelphia Public Schools: Creating a Positive Environment for Learning”, American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada

Dell’Angelo, T. (2003) “Teaching and Learning in Philadelphia Schools”, Proseminar session, School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania

Dell’Angelo, T. & Tucker, S.  “What’s in an “A”: A study of grade comparability in a large urban school district.”